Dear Valued Partner:

    Thank you for your inquiry about CCmagnetics's MW series magnetic wheels. To expedite the quotation process and ensure we meet your exact requirements, kindly complete the below form. We are committed to providing you with a comprehensive quote within two business days of receiving your completed form.

    magnetic wheel parameter

    1.What is the specific model and shaft diameter of the magnetic wheel you are interested in?

    (For example: WM50, Shaft dia: 15mm.)

    2.What is the operating temperature range required for the magnetic wheel?

    (For example: -20°C to 80°C)

    3.What is the shape of the surface where the magnetic wheel will travel?

    Magnetic wheel floor shape

    4.What kind of metal surface will your magnetic wheel run on?
    (For example: Q235 steel wall )

    5.How thick a metal surface will the magnetic wheels travel on?

    How thick a metal surface will the magnetic wheels travel on?

    (For example: 5cm)

    6.What is the total weight of the robots?

    Note:Including the weight of any towed pipes/lines, we will calculate based on 4 wheels. If your robot has more wheels, please mark it here.(For example: 30kg , Weight without wheels.)

    7.Any additional needs? Please note.

    8.What is the email to receive the quotation?